1000 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94103 | Thursday – Saturday 12 to 6pm 415.861.5089 | info@1amsf.com


Posts tagged Onset
Roan Victor & Lena Gustafson's murals for "Onset" a Group Exhibition.

Onset artists Roan Victor and Lena Gustafson recently completed their murals outside of First Amendment Gallery before the opening reception of the group exhibition.  Check out their process and completed walls after the jump!

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Opening Reception | Onset a Group Exhibition

Check out our recap of the opening reception for Onset a group exhibition at First Amendment Gallery in Downtown San Francisco. Learn more after the jump.

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Press Release | Onset A Group Exhibition

Join us Thursday, July 20th at 7pm for the opening reception of Onset, a group exhibition featuring the works of Adele Renault - Bagger 43 - Basik - Caratoes - David Ryan - Jade Rivera - Jaime Molina - Joseph Martinez - Josh Grotto - Lena Gustafson - Li-Hill - Lie - Miss Van - Roan Victor.

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